Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Working From Home

working from home can be fun

New technology and the new work culture in many organizations mean that a lot of people are now working from home. It’s not just entrepreneurs, but casual and part time workers in over the phone and over the mail customer service and research, free lancers in BOP businesses, financial and marketing consultants and many other professions that today enjoy this option.
Though the sound of working from home might sound fun, it has often been taxing for many. Taking care of work on top of taking care of children and household chores often takes its toll. For others, work itself becomes all engrossing as the borderline between ‘working hours’ and ‘family time’ dissolves. So, here are some tips to keep working from home fun and healthy.

take short breaks while working

Take short breaks
It’s a tip taken straight out of the text books of ‘healthy office habits’. Don’t forget that you are working, just because you are working from home. It’s very important to make sure you're taking breaks in between working long hours. It’s quite important to keep in mind that if, for example, you're working for an hour, you should take a 10-minute break, get up, stretch or walk around and then return to your task. You can even use the breaks to finish some household chores – it does not add to the pressure, it acts as a break to the monotony and gets the mind refreshed, not to mention, gets the household work done.

sit right to avoid back and neck pains

Be comfortably seated

Again an old office work environment tip. Don’t get too relaxed just because you are working from home. Don't work from the bed, don’t slouch on the sofa or stay all day on the bean bag. Too many options to relax has cost too many their backs and necks. Sit straight and avoid slouching. Work as if you were at office. Relax in between, but don’t relax all the time. If you want to avoid stiff necks and back pains that is.

stay healthy with fresh fruits and vegetables

The chance to stay healthy without working out

This is the best deal you can get off from working at home! You have complete freedom to order something, keep your mouth busy while the mind's at work. However, don’t just stuff yourself with anything, otherwise even the treadmill won’t be able to take off what you put in. Eat fresh, eat healthy. Take that opportunity and form a habit of only filling up with healthy eats. You get almost anything online these days so order fresh bread, fresh milk, fresh fruits and vegetables from home. Save yourself the pain of going to the market and the gym!

Enjoy working from home!

Image Source: Wordpress, bufferapp, poker, codenast

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Benefits of Organic Milk over Regular Dairy Produce

Organic food isn’t a new addition to supermarkets these days; it had been around for hundreds if not thousands of years. Modern farming methods have come under scrutiny in recent times, not only for their treatment of animals in the production of food and drink, but also in the quality of foods that have entered the food chain.

dairy products deliveryWith many people horrified after seeing the conditions that some animals are kept in with battery farming or intensive farming, the keen interest of consumers to move away from unnatural methods of raising food animals has turned the tide in favour of organic, green farming. Consumers have been demanding easier access to both free-range and organic produce, with milk delivery in Melbourne being one of the most popular ways to regularly access organic dairy products.

Consumers have already started to make the switch to kinder methods of farming such as free-range farming for chickens and other livestock. The condition of the animals plays an important role in keeping the animals fit and healthy, as well as giving the consumers peace of mind that the animals raised for food have been well-treated throughout their life. But there is a common misconception with the differences between free-range and organic amongst the general public.

Free-range farming is a simple method of food production whereby the animals that are bred for food are kept in natural conditions with free reign of movement throughout their protected area. This ensures that many livestock animals are fit and healthy during the farming process.

Organic farming on the other hand encompasses a complete farming process from land to feed, rearing and beyond. Organic farming practices employ a process that aims to work in harmony with nature, to protect the environment, encourage wildlife and place welfare of animals highly.

Whilst free-range farming employs enough space for the livestock to enjoy a happy life, organic farming encompasses this method, as well as adhering to strict guidelines on animal health and feed. Free-range farmers feed their stock with general animal feed as used in many other conventional farms, including battery farming.

Organic farming on the other hand requires that all feed is organically sourced, contains the necessary organic constituents to promote healthy growth and vitality without additives or chemicals. 

Organic farming also has standards in place that rejects GM (genetically modified) foods from its stock feeds. This is seen as an important role in keeping a natural and healthy growth of stock and allowing that health and vitality to be passed onto the consumer.

With many people surprised by the high quality of food produced by organic farming methods, milk delivery and dairy products delivery in general in Melbourne have been swamped with demand. It has been proven recently in a scientific study funded by the European Union by the University of Newcastle, UK that organic milk is far better for you than regular milk.

The findings are another example that going organic not only brings a sense of environmental care for nature, but also the added benefits of improved quality of health. Organic milk contains much higher levels of Omega 3 fatty acids that boost your immune system and helps to regulate your body’s ability to absorb fats and nutrients.

Milk is just one prime example of the benefits of organic foods, and with a diet rich in organic produce it is little wonder why so many are choosing to make the switch themselves. Dairy products delivery has become one of the most popular services in Melbourne, making it easier than ever to benefit from the most wholesome of dairy products.